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Spring Term 2025

The children in Rosen class have been enjoying their forest school sessions this half term and have relished the opportunity to explore the forest school site. A particular highlight has been the mud slide! In Maths this week the children have been introduced to 3D shapes and have started to explore how many faces/ curved surfaces a cone, sphere, cylinder, cube, cuboid, triangular prism and square-based pyramid have. In English the children learnt more facts about pirates and used them to create a plan for their non-chronological report. During our Learning Means The World lessons this week the children enjoyed learning about primary colours and what happened when they mixed two primary colours together.

Children doing forest school photo  Children doing forest school photo

Children doing forest school photo  Children doing forest school photo

In Rosen class this week the children have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have discussed how many’s sides, faces and vertices the shapes have. Perhaps you could go on a 2D and 3D shape hunt at home to consolidate their learning. In English, the children have been continuing to learn about the features of a non-chronological report and as part of their writing they have been using verbs and adjectives. 


The children have continued their learning about pushes and pulls. They were able to explain what happens when you push or pull something and what forces can do to an object. In Learning Means The World this week the children have been learning about how people move boats into and out of the water. As part of this, the children enjoyed making their own trailers in school. We have also been learning about the parts of the ship. In addition to drawing and labelling their own pirate ship, the children enjoyed playing pirate games where they had to follow the captain's orders and navigate to the right direction of the ship (port, starboard, bow and stern).

Child holding model trailer photo  Child holding model trailer photo  Child holding model trailer photo  Child holding model trailer photo

Example of pupil's work photo  Parts of the ship photo

Rosen class started this term by writing a New Year's resolution. We have been exploring the forces, pushes and pulls and the children started their new Learning Means The World Topic - Land Ahoy! - as part of this they have started to explore the different ways things move. The children worked as a group to sort pictures into things which move using wings, wheels and legs.

Children learning photo  Children learning photo  Children learning photo  

Children learning photo  Example of work photo  Example of work photo