Our music curriculum provides children with a rich, well-rounded music education which engages and inspires them to develop a life-long love of music, increases their self-confidence, creativity, curiosity and provides opportunities for self –expression.
Children participate in a wide range of activities to develop their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of music including rhythm, instrumental skills, composition, singing and listening skills. Children learn about a diverse range of influential musicians, composers and genres from a wide range of musical time periods and cultures.
At Trinity we believe that opportunities to play and sing together in ensembles helps to develop life skills such as confidence, co-operation, self-discipline and commitment. Opportunities are made throughout the year for children to share their talent and learning with each other, their parents and the wider school community allowing them to flourish as musicians. We engage our wider community through workshops and concerts. At Trinity we believe everyone can be a Musician.
Teaching within Music is regularly monitored and reviewed through observations, pupil voice and learning walks to ensure that the Music curriculum is being followed and taught effectively and children are engaged. Feedback is provided to staff on this and staff audits are conducted to help inform professional development opportunities. Any patterns in support needed are addressed in a timely manner and CPD is provided where possible.
Teaching staff are asked to follow the structure set out within the topics/key themes of Dimensions curriculum to ensure children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate music from a diverse range of musical time periods and cultures. Children also learn to compose, focusing on the interrelated dimensions of music which feeds their understanding when listening, playing or analysing music. Children are exposed to the basics of musical notation and can write basic rhythmic patterns.
The Dimensions curriculum ensures that staff impart key knowledge to the pupils and supports their progression. Knowledge builders can be found in the online Dimensions files which support teachers to identify the skills they have developed and children’s prior knowledge.
In EYFS music forms an integral part of their day to day life in school. Explorers’ children learn a wide range of songs and rhymes and develop skills for performing together.
Singing and music making opportunities are used across the curriculum throughout the school to embed learning, develop musical awareness and to help children express themselves (during Science, in History, in Maths).
Children are exposed to a wide range of composers and styles of Music through the Dimensions curriculum and also during weekly singing assemblies, various concerts and performances and extra-curricular opportunities.
Regular opportunities are made for children to perform and share their musical ability with the school and the wider community - for example, singing in church services, taking part in concerts and visiting care homes in the local area.
As a result of our Music teaching at Trinity CE Primary School you will see:
- Engaged children who are all supported and challenged.
- Children who are immersed in Music either as the creator, the listener or the performer.
- Children who are enthusiastic about Music and inspired to learn more.
- Children can name significant composers through time.
- Children are able to work collaboratively with others.
- Children using technical language during lessons.
- Children are confident and able to express themselves through the medium of Music.
Subject lead: Clara Hart
Music Development Plan
Please click on the document below to read Trinity's Music Development Plan
Curriculum Overview
Please click on the document below for the Music curriculum overview