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  • Gold Medallist Visit

    Published 23/02/24

    On Thursday 8th February, the children and staff really enjoyed a special sports circuit event and visit from athlete and gold medallist, Ryan Scott. The children have been raising sponsorship in order to get a playground gym and they managed to raise an astonishing £2740.50!! 

    Further details as to when and where the playground gym will be installed, will follow shortly. Thank you to everyone who helped raised sponsorship.

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  • Flex-it! Parent Workshop

    Published 05/02/24

    We are delighted to be able to offer a very special workshop by Nixon & Nixon for parents / carers to attend.  Taking place on Tuesday 12th March between 7:00 - 8:00pm, the workshop will inform parents about the Flex-it! approach, which we will be introducing across the school to support children's mental health and well being.

    Flex-it! will support children with managing their anxiety and developing emotional flexibility. The Flex-it! approach is intended to improve children's physical and mental health whilst developing stronger relationships with adults and their peers. We are hoping that this approach will support the children to become more aware of how they respond to and manage situations, helping them to regulate their emotions.

    We will be asking parents who attend this training for a voluntary contribution of £5.00

    For further details please click on the flyer below.

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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 29/01/24

    At Trinity we are mindful of children's mental health all year round. To mark Children's Mental Health Week from 5 - 11 February 2024 we are celebrating this year's theme ''Your Voice Matters'' with a whole assembly and PSHE lessons that will be tailored to how children express themselves and about being listened to.

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  • Henley Youth Festival

    Published 29/01/24

    Henley Youth Festival is a great way for children to show off their talents, whether that's performing on a stage or being creative on paper.  This year's theme is My Favourite Things and there are competitions for musicians, artists, performers and aspiring filmmakers.  We were delighted to welcome Alfie Hay, former Head of Trinity Primary School and one of the Festival's original founders, into school to talk to pupils about the exciting opportunities open to them.

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  • Santa comes to School

    Published 18/12/23

    Santa paid a special visit to School and visited each class.  Children had the chance to tell Santa about their plans for Christmas, what is on their lists and all about the antics of the class elves, most of whom were known to Santa as being particularly naughty elves.  Luckily, all of the pupils are on his good list this year.

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  • Trinity triumphs at Tennis competition

    Published 29/11/23

    Year 3, 4 and 5 pupils took part in Tennis Oxfordshire's second competition at Henley Tennis Club.  Along with two other local primary schools, Trinity were lucky enough to be invited to compete in the final and emerged victorious in both the Year 3 and Year 5 finals.  All pupils at Trinity also benefited from tennis coaching during PE lessons, thanks to local coach Tom.

    Please take a look at the Henley Standard news article: Trinity emerge victorious

    Photo credit: Henley Standard

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  • Trinity celebrates Languages Day

    Published 27/11/23

    On Thursday 16th November, Trinity held a wonderful Day of Languages.  We dressed up in clothes representing different countries and learnt lots of new words and phrases in languages from all around the world.  We also found out about some of the different countries and cultures represented in our school community and it was fantastic to welcome so many family members into school on this day and learn so much from them!  Bravo Trinity!

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  • Reception teacher, Beth Evans, nominated for Community Champion Award

    Published 06/11/23

    Congratulations to Beth Evans for being nominated for the 'Best Teacher / TA' in the Henley Herald's Community Champion Award.

    To quote Ruby, aged 4 "Miss Evans gives me hugs when I hurt myself and she makes me feel like I want to invite her to my birthday party''.

    Please CLICK HERE to vote for Beth Evans.  She is such a wonderful teacher and colleague, so we would love her to get recognition from the wider community for the amazing impact she makes on the children here at Trinity.

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  • Missed our Open Morning, but still keen to come and look round?

    Published 01/11/23
    We were delighted to welcome parents and carers into the school on 7th November for our Open Morning.  For any parents / carers who missed the tour but would still be interested in coming to have a look, please don't hesitate to contact the
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  • Ben nominated for Bravery Award

    Published 20/09/23

    Trinity pupil Ben has been nominated for BBC Oxford's Make A Difference Bravery Award.  10-year-old Ben lives with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), which is life limiting.  DMD is one of the most common fatal genetic disorders to affect children. 

    On Thursday 7th September the school celebrated World Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day (WDMD) with a non-uniform day and a special assembly, with Ben as our star. The theme for WDMD 2023 is 'Breaking Barriers', something that Ben has done consistently throughout his time at Trinity.

    For more information please visit

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  • Year 6 Showtime!

    Published 30/08/23

    Well done to our fantastic year 6 children who performed ‘The Amazing Adventures of Superstan’ in Holy Trinity Church this week.

    It was a truly enjoyable event and the year 6 children have made us very proud.

    We hope you enjoyed the experience as much as the staff and children at Trinity.

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