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Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below

Term Dates

Please refer to the Calendar for specific activities going on throughout the term, for example trips and sporting activities.

Please refer to Term Dates for inset days, holidays and term dates for the academic year.


Head lice and threadworm

As in any close community, infections of head lice and threadworm can spread easily.  The school nurse recommends that all family members are checked regularly for signs of these common complaints and that treatment is given as appropriate before children are sent back to school.

For more information please visit the NHS link below:

Pick up arrangements

Can another parent / friend collect my child?

If your child is going home with an adult (18+ yrs) who is not their parent or carer, or listed as an approved emergency contact, then please help us to facilitate this by doing two things:

1) Please message your child's teacher via Dojo before 12 noon

2) Please email the school office before 12 noon on stating the child's name, class and the name of the person who will be collecting them

What do I do if I am running late?

Please call the school office on 01491 575 887 and we will endeavour to get a message to the class teacher.

Can my child walk home alone?

Pupils in Year 6 are permitted to walk home unaccompanied, but only if consent has been given by a parent / carer in advance.  A consent form will be circulated to parents / carers of Year 6 pupils at the beginning of September each year, or you can request a form from the school office.

Mobile phones

Can my child bring a phone / smart watch to school?

Only pupils in Year 6 are permitted to bring a phone to school.  Parental consent is required prior to a phone being brought to school.  Consent forms will be sent to parents / carers of Year 6 pupils at the beginning of September each year, or the form can be requested from the school office.

Year 6 pupils must drop their phones / smart watches at the school office before entering the school playground in the morning and they may collect them from the office at the end of the school day. Pupils are asked not to turn phones on until they have left the school grounds.

Please read our Mobile Phone Policy by clicking here

Complaints and resolving issues

Can I speak to my child's teacher?

If you would like to speak to your child's teacher, please send them a message via Dojo and arrange a mutually convenient time.

If your child's teacher is not able to fully resolve your query / issue then it can be referred to the Phase Leader, or you can request a meeting with our Headteacher, Mrs Whittle, by contacting the school office on

How do I make a complaint?

The school will take complaints seriously and make every effort to resolve the matter quickly. It may be the case that the provision or clarification of information will resolve the issue. Please raise a complaint as soon as possible with the relevant member of staff, or the Headteacher, as appropriate, by emailing

We have a very detailed Complaints Policy which can be read by clicking here.

Class names and teachers

When communicating with the school office, it is really helpful if you can specify which class your child is in.

Reception - BYRON - Mrs Leppard and Miss Evans

Reception - JEFFERS - Mrs Woolfson

Year 1 - MURPHY - Miss Hart and Ms Rolfe

Year 1 / 2 - ROSEN - Mrs Locke and Mrs Calderbank

Year 2 - DAHL - Mrs Evans

Year 3 - COWELL - Mrs Williams

Year 3 / 4 - COEHLO - Miss Galton

Year 4 - PILKEY - Miss Kirton

Year 5 - PALMER - Mrs Aiken

Year 5 / 6 - ZEPHANIAH - Mr Clarke and Ms Majer

Year 6 - RUNDELL - Mrs Cahill and Mr Morris